A. Birth
- I am 11 years old and was born on November 18, 2001.
- I was born at Mercy Hospital in Buffalo, NY.
B. Family
- My parents are Scott and Rebecca Laird
- My younger brothers are MacGregor and Nathan Laird.
- Our dog's name is Magnolia.
- My cat's name is Clover.
- My chickens are Comber, Brooke, Lovely, Darky, Mercy and Little Red.
C. Education
I am in 6th grade.
- I attended Delevan Elementary School from kindergarten through grade 4.
- I was homeschooled last year, and still am this year.
D. Special interests and hobbies
- I played baseball from age 4 until age 10.
- I have played the recorder since I was 9.
- I am learning to play the piano.
- I have participated in my church's annual Kid's Musical since I was 6.
- I have danced in my mom's dance school since I was 8.
- I have participated in Boy Scouts since I was 9.